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Mkgt Web is a dedicated application solution for professionals from the world of Recycling and Environment wishing to manage the incoming and outgoing flows of secondary raw materials and waste.
This solution consists of an internal application managing the customer / supplier relationship, forecast orders, supply planning, materials / waste received and invoicing your clients, surveys support billing for suppliers and a set of management tools and statistical state.
This application serves as Intranet for your organization, accessible on your local network and as Extranet for your customers / suppliers accessible through the Internet.
According to the rights granted to different users, it allows you or your customers and suppliers to :
Mkgt Geoloc. is a dedicated application solution for professionals from the world of Recycling and Environment wishing to manage the flow of information logistics of a fleet of vehicles.
This solution consists of an internal application managing requests, planning tours, transportation allocation and a set of management tools and statistical state.
This application serves as Intranet for your organization, accessible on your local network and as Extranet for your customers / suppliers accessible through the Internet.
According to the rights granted to different users, it allows you or your customers and suppliers to :
Mkgt Papermakers is a dedicated application solution for professionals from the world of Recycling and Environment wishing to manage the incoming and outgoing flows of paper / cardboard recovered.
This solution consists of an internal application managing the supplier relationship, forecast orders, supply planning, paper/cardboard qualities received as well as support billing for suppliers and a set of management tools and statistical records state.
It includes an external application accessible via the Internet to enable suppliers to track contracts, provide the dates of availability of goods and follow your flow decisions on the acceptance or rejection of the proposed quantities.
Mkgt Papermakers, the solution to optimized management of material flows.
This site is the property of Ckdev SARL with a capital of 100,000 euros, registered with the Trade and Companies of Versailles, under number 493655492, whose registered office is: 8 Rue Traversière - Immeuble Le Vexin 2 - 95000 Cergy - France.
The user acknowledges having read this legal notice and agrees to comply.
The managing editor of the website is Mr. Chabane Khalfoun, as manager of the company Ckdev.
The service provider direct and permanent storage is the company which DRI site address is:
Contact: Digital Rural Informatique (DRI) The Grand Courgoult Rouez 72140 Tel 02 43 29 16 59.
The user of the website must check that the configuration used is virus and is in perfect working condition.
The user of the website acknowledge having the skills and equipment necessary to access and use this site.
The user acknowledges having been informed that the website is accessible 24 hours/24 hours and 7 days / 7 days, with the exception of force majeure, computer difficulties, difficulties related to the structure of networks telecommunications or technical difficulties.
For maintenance reasons, the company Ckdev may suspend access to its site and will try to warn users in advance.
Ckdev society strives to provide users with information and / or tools available and reliable, but can not be held responsible for errors, not lack of availability of information and / or the presence of viruses on site.
The information provided by the company Ckdev are for reference only. Ckdev society does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness of information available on its website.
Accordingly, User agrees to use this information under his exclusive responsibility.
The texts, images animated or not and all other components of this website including services and products are the exclusive property of the company Ckdev.
Consequently, any copy thereof is strictly prohibited unless otherwise expressly indicated on the website and allowing partial reproduction of certain elements. This representation or reproduction, by any means whatsoever, constitutes an infringement sanctioned by articles L.335-2 et seq of the Code of Intellectual Property.
All names of products or companies mentioned in this site and do not belong to Ckdev are trademarks of their respective owners.
Finally, the links established as part of this Web site to other resources on the Internet do not engage the responsibility of society Ckdev.
Site Content is subject to French law, both as regards the substantive rules that the rules of form.